



Diffusion and Photosynthesis


Diffusion and Photosynthesis


In simple terms, it is the steady movement of particles from regions where there are many of them to regions where there are a  few of them.  It is a natural trend for things to spread out down a Concentration Gradient. See diagram below. 

In scientific terms, DIFFUSION is the MOVEMENT OF PARTICLES from a region of HIGH CONCENTRATION to a region of LOW CONCENTRATION

Diffusion is a passive process, it does  not require any energy for it to happen.

The easiest kind of diffusion is when different gases diffuse through each other.  For example, it happens when a perfume smell spreads through out the air in an enclosed area.  Likewise, diffusion of gases also take place in the leaves. See animation opposite.


Diffusion of gases in Leaves is very important, for Photosynthesis to take place.

For a leaf to carry out PHOTOSYNTHESIS, it requires carbon dioxide gas.  There is more carbon dioxide outside the then inside.  This has to get inside the leaf.  It does this by DIFFUSION through minute little pores beneath the leaf called STOMATA.  

Similarly, OXYGEN and WATER VAPOUR leaves the leaf using the same process of diffusion.



Cell Membrane and Diffusion


Tags:Photosynthesis, Diffusion



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